Friday, December 28, 2018

Jesus in the Midst: How the Online Study Group Works

Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Gathering in Jesus' name doesn't always have to be in person. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul noted that even though he was not with them in the flesh, he was with them in spirit (Colossians 2:5). Today, social media offers a way for people whose work schedules, family obligations, and other factors make it difficult to participate in face-to-face church activities to gather their hearts and minds in spirit with those of others in Jesus' name. We pray the Lord will use this platform and this group for His purposes.

Two or Three . . . or More is an online Facebook study/small group administered and moderated by Lisa Sebastian, director of adult ministries at Aldersgate United Methodist Church (Seminole, FL), and Anne Anderson, Aldersgate member. This is a closed group, meaning members' posts and comments can be seen only by other members of the group. As with a face-to-face group, posts and comments are considered confidential.

Purpose: Two or Three . . . or More offers both small-group fellowship and study opportunities. Members can:

  • post questions, thoughts, and prayer requests at any time;
  • respond to others' posts, as they are led; and 
  • participate in posts containing short articles, videos, or other texts that invite members to deeper study. 

Who Can Join: The group -- like other small-group, Bible studies, and Sunday School classes at Aldersgate -- is advertised only through Aldersgate UMC channels. However, group members do not need to be members of Aldersgate UMC or even attend Aldersgate regularly. Simply search for Two or Three . . . or More on Facebook and click the Join button. Or email Lisa at and ask to be added to the group. It may take a day or two to be added to the group, so please be patient.

  • Please prayerfully consider your words before posting or commenting. One disadvantage of an online platform is that we cannot see each other's body language, facial expressions, and gestures, nor can we hear each other's tone of voice or inflections. 
  • By the same token, please give each other the benefit of the doubt. Ask clarifying questions, be gentle in responding, and agree to disagree.
  • This group is not to be used for advertising products, services, or events. Such posts will be deleted by the administrators.

Materials: We suggest members have access to a Bible, a dictionary, and a concordance -- watch for a future post about each of these helps.